
Building Worlds That Reflect Everyone 🌍🎮

Since the team was founded back in 2022, F.a.R. Team has embraced the belief that games are for everyone, and that not only means that accessibility should be our main pilar during development (Which it is), but it also means that representation and diversity are very important things to both create interesting and engaging stories and to help people feel seen, valued and celebrated.  From the stories we tell to our characters, we strive to reflect the reality we live in, which, incidentally, creates very interesting scenarios anyone would enjoy. Just imagine a game were everybody were identical; same race, same sexual orientation, same capabilities. That would be very boring! No shade to EA Sports FC- While creating Project Codename: Farmoxel, this philosophy got us to create a roster of interesting characters. Though some of them were already showcased in previous blog posts, we feel the need to talk about them even further to celebrate them again and share more about why they me...

December 15th update! Working on a DEMO

Last time we ever updated you about the state of our games was back in June 15th- phew that was long ago. Worry not! I'm sure this may not be the first time I say this, but we are not gone. We've been dealing with some administrative issues while assisting to some events while working on The Farmoxel Project's DEMO. Yes, you've read that right. DEMO. Yup, the game doesn't even have an official name yet (Despite what some of my teammates may say about it) and we're already working on a DEMO. There’s a saying in the industry: to predict how long something will take, estimate the time and then multiply it by two or three. This being said, I can't make promises, but we're planning to release a DEMO sometime between 2025 Q1, sooooo... until April 1st 2025 I'm not lying. With all that said, let's read the huge bullet-point list of changes for both Farmoxel and Room Makers: FARMOXEL The clock is not scene-dependant anymore The bed no longer handles e...

We took Room Makers to a festival!

  TOP NOTE: Since this festival took place in Argentina, the post will be in Spanish. But worry not! For an English version scroll down past a duck picture.

June 15th Update!

Last time we actually updated you about the contents of our games was August 15th 2023. It's been a LONG time, but I can promise that none of our projects have been abandoned. In fact, we've made tons of progress on all of them, but not much worth to be shown. For the Farmoxel project (name pending) for example, we were waiting to finally be able to showcase the farm map on its entirety. Sadly, as you'll see later on this blogpost, we run into a lot of problems with it. Most of them are fixed, so we may have that done for the next post. This time, the blog will have 3 bullet-point lists of changes so... buckle up!

More characters!

 HAPPY NEW YEAR! (Still January, not late yet.) With that out of the way... As you may remember, back in THIS POST  we talked about all the character that were designed at that point for the game. We presented you the humble amount of 7 characters. In today's post, we'll talk about the rest of the cast, which sums up the whacking amount of 19 CHARACTERS! Before we beggin, check this awesome piece made by Pipi of the Little Ballet Girl: Take this a reminder to follow her on Twitter So buckle up, 'cause this is gonna be a LONG ride... The Protagonist! Let's begin with the most important character of the game: You! This is the old concept created back in 2022: And now, Pipi's redesign: He has such a cute smile~ His name is Marko, his last name is... yet to be revealed. He is 14 years old. He is the current owner of the telekinetic powers, he is unlinked.  Now, he has to learn to use his powers properly to help his grandmother with the farm. Obviously, he keeps these p...

What are we up to?

During October and November, the team started working in 4 different projects, which divided us in Team A and team B. Does that mean we are crunching? Not at all! In fact, we haven't been working much these past months cause of university and such. Does this mean we take terrible decisions? Yes. Definitively. There are no huge updates about the Farmoxel Project to showcase since the team is working in one of its biggest features: a proper save/load system. Therefore, we cannot show anything about that game. I know this may sound disappointing, but working on the save/load system is the top priority for the game's development right now. Anything that needs to be done in the future requires that system to be fully functional. With that said, allow me to introduce you to the other three projects: Room Makers Room Makers is a simple arcade tetris-like gameboy style game in which the player will have to place different items in a room, creating combos to earn points to buy new rooms...

Character Design on the Farmoxel Project!

 Quick update first, from September 15th to September 25th, the main development team was participating on the GBJam 11. When you see this posted, the Jam should be over and the results public. If you want to see our game, you can check it out HERE . Now back to the Devlog...