Features that are already (partially) in the game. -May 29th 2022-
I'm sure that none of what I'm about to show you will make you drop your jaw, but I feel the need to have an archive of every single progress made during the development of this game. Crop growing system: There is only one vegetable officially added to the game, the carrot. Say hi to the carrot. Carrot. Orange Healthy And voxel. Since the carrot is the only vegetable, it is being used as a test subject for every single feature related to tubers. That being said, there are no seeds in-game (yet), so, with the press of a button, you can plant your own baby carrot. Baby carrots. Once your baby carrots are in fresh soil, ready to grow, you may go to bed (yup, you cannot water them just yet). A couple days later; they'll be bigger. Bigger baby carrots. Alright, yeah, ignore that it is exactly the next day and they're full grown adults now, we, as the developers, can play God for a while to demonstrate a feature. In the actual game, ...